Jesús De la Cruz Sotelo


Peruvian learning about web3, trading and finance. Backend developer with more than 10 years of experience building software with good practice guidelines. Containeraized project, implementing CI/CD, using agile methodologies (Scrum, XP, Scrumban), TDD/BDD and clean architectures. I am attracted to innovative ideas that make you think "outside the box" to reach to a technical solution that is efficient and viable to handle the large volume of data that moves in big businesses.


Fide PBC Europe SL


Software Architect


  • Choice of technologies for the reforged new project
  • Infrastructure diagram development
  • Define code standards
  • Configuration of containerized base project
  • Battery of behavioral tests from Gherkin
  • Python
  • Docker
  • BPMN
  • WebSequenceDiagram
  • Behave
  • Gherkin
  • FastAPI
  • GitFlow

Backend GraphQL Developer


  • Refactor complex REST endpoints
  • Performance optimization
  • Python
  • FastAPI
  • Firebase
  • MongoDB
  • GraphQL
  • Pytest
  • Apollo

Backend Rest Developer

2018 - 2020

  • Implement agile
  • CI/CD
  • AWS
  • Clean Architecture
  • Python
  • AWS
  • Gitflow
  • Django
  • Linux
  • Docker
  • Django Rest Framework
  • FastAPI
  • PostgreSQL

Lima, Perú

Backend Developer


  • Product Planning
  • User research
  • Develop a Prototype
  • Create a User Journey
  • Python
  • AWS
  • EC2
  • Figma
  • BPMN
  • WebSequenceDiagram
  • Gitflow
  • Django
  • Postman
  • Linux
  • Docker

Ministry of Health (MINSA)

Lima, Perú

Fullstack Developer


  • Appointment module for nationwide hospitals
  • System for patient management in huaycos (mudflow)
  • Triage module for nationwide hospitals
  • Wawared project, prenatal and postnatal control system
  • Python
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Javascript
  • Jquery
  • Django
  • Django Rest Framework
  • Vue
  • Git

Participation in Hackathons

Hackathon for the Amazon

PUCP, Lima - Perú

Perú Natural

1st Place

  • Organized by Peruvian Society of Environmental Law (SPDA).
  • Taken from 11/11/2017 to 11/12/2017.
  • We present "Perú Natural" an initiative that facilitates the flow of information from the forest rangers in the Protected Natural Areas to the SERNANP for its validation and generation of automated reports, avoiding manual work and offering information closer to reality since it manually took between 1 and 2 months to prepare the reports.

Hackathon World Cup

UNMSM, Lima - Perú

Race Against The Machine

1st Place

  • Organized by "Escuela Full Stack"
  • Taken from 05/26/2018 to 05/27/2018.
  • We present a betting system that shows, using machine learning, before betting the status of the players (something like the players in winning eleven 3) and the percentage of effectiveness of the team (changes through formation, pitch, etc.) to be able to make smart bets based on data calculated by the system from official FIFA data.


-Systems engineer

National University of Callao

2009 - 2011

Callao, Perú

-Software Engineering

Major National University of San Marcos

2011 - 2015

Lima, Perú

-Budget and Public Finance

Major National University of San Marcos

2023 - Current

Lima, Perú
  • +51 991 738 271
  • Lima, Perú


    • Programming
    • Python
    • HTML5 (including Jinja)
    • Javascript
    • CSS3
    • SASS
    • Stylus
    • SQL
    • Bash
    • Shellscript
    • GraphQL
    • C++
    • Gherkin
    • Django
    • Jquery
    • Django Rest Framework
    • Flask
    • FastAPI
    • Flutter
    • Pytest
    • Behave (Python BDD)
      Developer Tools
    • Git
    • Gitflow
    • Docker
    • Github Actions
    • AWS
    • EC2
    • Load Balancer
    • RDS
    • PostgreSQL
    • MongoDB
    • Firebase
    • Postman
    • Insomnia
    • GNU/Linux
    • Adobe Tools
    • Figma
    • LaTeX
    • Hugo
    • BPMN
    • WebSequenceDiagram


  • Spanish
  • English


  • Foodie
  • Math
  • Algorithms
  • Edtech
  • Fintech
  • Optimization
  • ERP
  • Odoo